broomcloset's Diaryland Diary


2003-04-30 - Things that go bump
2003-04-29 - Taxes are great - when they're done
2003-04-28 - Instead of saying \"bite me, fan boy\"
2003-04-28 - Unconscious Mutterings
2003-04-28 - The past few days: A Summary
2003-04-26 - Saturday Scruples
2003-04-25 - Friday Five
2003-04-24 - A rant about an online group
2003-04-23 - It's SNOWING
2003-04-21 - Easter Monday
2003-04-20 - Sunday night
2003-04-20 - Mutter, mutter...
2003-04-18 - Migraine season
2003-04-17 - Release
2003-04-15 - Slow day, nice weather
2003-04-15 - This-or-That Tuesday, April 15
2003-04-14 - Monday Mission 3.15
2003-04-13 - Pagan Speak: April 2003
2003-04-13 - Unconscious Mutterings: Week 10
2003-04-11 - Gorgeous Friday
2003-04-10 - Bomb Iraq
2003-04-09 - My head is full of this
2003-04-08 - Cars are hard
2003-04-07 - Interview, out of the blue
2003-04-06 - New Meme: Unconscious Mutterings
2003-04-05 - Saturday Scruples, April 5 2003
2003-04-05 - Snowy Saturday
2003-04-04 - Now I lay me down to sleep
2003-04-04 - Friday Five, April 4 2003
2003-04-03 - Another step out
2003-04-01 - Ethical Philosophy Selector
2003-04-01 - Some random thoughts
2003-04-01 - This-or-That Tuesday
2003-03-31 - Pagan Speak, March 2003
2003-03-30 - My first class
2003-03-28 - Friday Five, March 28, 2003
2003-03-27 - When the Id takes over
2003-03-26 - I'll do it later
2003-03-25 - This-Or-That Tuesday: The Arts Edition
2003-03-24 - This is where the short description usually is
2003-03-23 - F*ck it
2003-03-21 - Bless�d Oestara!

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