

Taxes are great - when they're done
2003-04-29 - 23:53:16

Yay! Yippy Skippy! My taxes are done and Telefiled! Huzzah!! :D

Now that's one big thing out of the way. Who knows, maybe I can get a job next? Stranger things have happened. ;)


It's only 5 weeks until WIC-CAN-FEST!!!!!!! I can not believe it's here again! I'm already starting to get psyched for it. It looks like Raevyn and I will be traveling down together - it will be her first year! Yay! She's going to have her mind blown, I can tell you that. :D


I've decided that I'm going to open a small web hosting business catering to those who only need a little niche on the web for a modest price. This is something I've wanted to do for ages. Now, as a result of another web project I'm starting with a friend, I'll be able to do it! I'm thinking web hosting packages will start at just a few dollars a month.

Anyone interested? Leave me a comment, an email, or a guestbook luvvin' and I'll contact you when I've got everything set up!


I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people who have commented in my diary and emailed me with your words of support. It's really been a help. It makes me realize that putting in time moderating the e-group I've mentioned is really worth while, even though it can be a trial sometimes. Communication is very important to me; that's what attracted me to the Moderator position. Thanks for reminding me why I do it. :)


Well, it's off to bed for me. I have some running around to do tomorrow, so I'll need my beauty sleep. BB!

~ Wyrdsister



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