broomcloset's Diaryland Diary


2000-09-18 - Giving Thanks
2000-09-14 - I know it's out there
2000-09-12 - Pagans are Proud to Work Magick!
2000-09-10 - What's with the ^%$&*@# PST?
2000-09-10 - A Day of Ritual
2000-09-04 - Fest Virgins
2000-08-28 - Back to work...
2000-08-20 - Feeling random
2000-08-20 - A Pagan Brunch
2000-08-15 - Kaleidoscope Gathering, part III
2000-08-13 - Kaleidoscope Gathering, part II
2000-08-11 - My Kaleidoscope Card Reading
2000-08-07 - Kaleidoscope Gathering, part I
2000-07-30 - No time like a Dark Moon...
2000-07-28 - Serendipity
2000-07-26 - Rough head space
2000-07-24 - Fun and Trials
2000-08-18 - Ignorance and Intolerance Strikes Again
2000-07-22 - Simple Pleasures / Reality
2000-07-20 - Wic-Can Fest, part II
2000-07-17 - Wic-Can Fest, part I
2000-07-14 - Distractions?
2000-07-13 - Procrastination = a clean bathtub
2000-09-01 - Membership has its privileges
2000-07-10 - The Inspiring Moon
2000-07-07 - Material incentives
2000-07-04 - Big weekend: nap, anyone?
2000-06-28 - Babble
2000-06-22 - Chicken Wiccan
2000-06-18 - So Pagans eat brunch?
2000-06-15 - First Step Out
2000-06-05 - A Festival! A Festival!
2000-06-02 - "My Goddess, My Friend"
2000-05-29 - Witchcraze - is it over?
2000-05-22 - Late ramblings
2000-05-18 - The Goddesses' New Temple
2000-05-03 - Welcome to the Broom Closet
2000-06-20 - The Empress' New Clothes
2000-05-09 - What's this \"Wicca\" thing?

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