

This is where the short description usually is
2003-03-24 - 23:22:37

It appears that I have come down with My Love's cold that he had last week, and just got over this past Sunday. So I anticipate being a tad sick for the next 5-6 days. Yippie skippy.


The ritual with PaganGrrl and Raevyn on Saturday night was lovely! I am SO happy that those two finally met! We only got to hang out together for a couple of hours, but it was enough. Hopefully we'll all be able to hang out again at Fest this year! Wheee!

Even my cat got into the act, much to our shagrin. PaganGrrl acted quickly when he hopped up on the altar in the middle of the rit - right on top of a tea light candle!! We have no idea how he didn't get his long-furred belly singed, but he didn't. I guess my cat is flame retardant. Well, I can hope at least. ;)

It was a simple ritual, calling in the corners, welcoming the Goddess, tying knots in our ongoing cord that Raevyn started over a year ago, and sharing blessings with each other and the Goddess. Oh yes, and praying for unsinged kitties. It was good to practice together. I always feel more connected when I have a ritual. Gee, that's the point, isn't it? ;)


I start my basic magick course on Friday night. I can't wait! Okay, I can wait, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm finally going to be doing something practical. By that I don't mean that I've been impractical up until now, I mean that I'll actually be doing some hands-on training rather than the endless course of reading I've been on for the past 7 years. :D

And now it's time to rest. This sick body needs it's sleep. G'night, and BB!




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