

This-or-That Tuesday, April 15
2003-04-15 - 13:56:40

This-or-That Tuesday for April 15, 2003: The Money Edition

1. File taxes as early as possible, or wait until the last possible minute? - I always have the best intensions, but I leave them to the last minute. I still have yet to file this year, but I've got two more weeks to procrastinate. ;)

2. File electronically, or mail paper forms? - Oddly enough for a computer geek, I've filed on paper in the past. My parents have been E-filing for years. Depending on when I get mine done, I might E-file this year.

3. Prepare your own taxes, or have someone do it for you? - Do them myself. In my teens, my Dad helped me. And one year, because I did a lot of contract work, I took them to an accountant. I'd probably take them to the same guy again (who was brilliant!) I moved a few months after I met him. *sigh*

4. Are you a saver or a spender? - A saver. Not that you could tell that right now, as all the money I'm getting in I have to spend on bills. When I have the money, I save.

5. Do you prefer to carry cash, or pay with plastic (credit/debit cards), or by check? - Plastic. Though sometimes it would be really helpful if I carried a bit of cash around.

6. You're broke and desperately need a job, but the only places that are hiring are retail or fast food places. Which would you pick? - Oh, how art imitates life! ;) I'd pick retail.

7. Keeping track of your money: are you more meticulous or careless about it? - I'm actually in between. While I don't know the exact dollar amount I have in my account, I always have a close estimate of what's in there (within $100) and I know when my bills need to be paid and when money is going in or out of my account.

8. What do you do if you find yourself with a lot of change weighing down your purse/pocket/wallet? Do you try to spend it to *get rid of it*, or do you put it in a jar or a piggy bank? - Put it in a jar. It gets way too heavy! I generally roll it and, if I need to, spend it that way. :)

9. Which form of fake money do you like better...Monopoly money or those chocolate coins covered with gold foil? - Depends if I'm craving chocolate or fiber. LOL!

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You find a wallet containing $5,000 in cash, as well as several credit cards and the owner's drivers' license. Your rent is due tomorrow and you're short $200. Do you take the money (some or all of it) and mail back the wallet anonymously...or do you return the wallet with all contents intact? - I'd send it back with all the money. I just couldn't do otherwise. Sure, I'd probably take the money out of the wallet and look at it in awe, but I'd put it all back in and call the owner. I would accept an award if it was offered, though. ;) If not, I'd just be happy I'd done the right thing.




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