

2003-04-23 - 11:10:16


Really, it IS officially spring in Canada, too. The weather just doesn't want to admit it. This snow had better disappear before Sunday because a local Unitarian congragation is having a BELTANE celebration! It just would't do to dance the May Poll in snowboots and a parka.

And no, we Canadian Pagans don't usually have snow at Beltane. ;) Unless you live in Inuvik. Or maybe Churchill.


I just met with rep from my car insurance company. It turns out the guy that I hit in the accident plans to sue me. *sigh* But I guess that's what insurance companies are for. Because I originally leased my car, I have liability insurance up the wha-zoo, so I'm not too worried about the money. It's just the hassle that might be annoying. Mind you, if they guy is genuinely hurt and in need of long term medical care, I do hope that he gets compensated. Medical bills can really rack up if you have no sort of coverage, and if he's really hurt then he definitely deserves it. I hope he's okay.

So, hopefully to cheer me up, I'll be going out for coffee with a friend today! I don't think we've had coffee in about a month, so I think it will be a nice get together. Since I have proclaimed myself Queen of the Transit System in my city, I shall be taking the bus ("my chariot" ;) ) to the selected venue.

I actually took the bus yesterday to a doctor's appointment, and it went mostly well... except for the fact that I missed the bus. Twice. ;) The second time I was actually sprinting for the bus when it pulled away from the stop! Yarg!! Don't they know I'm the Queen of the Transit System? Anyway, I only had to wait 15 min for another bus, so it wasn't that bad. Oh, I didn't mention that I'd walked for 20 minutes to another major stop to try and catch that second bus. I got a lot of exercise yesterday! :D

Okay, I'm chatting online with 3 people at the moment, so I'm cutting this entry short. Bye for now!



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