

Saturday Scruples
2003-04-26 - 10:28:36

Saturday Scruples, April 26 2003

Oooh! I haven't played these in awhile!

1. A patient calls late Friday to inquire about a test result. You're only a lab technician and can't tell the patient he's healthy and needn't worry all weekend. Do you break the rules?
- Hmmm, I guess it would depend on a few things. Was the person waiting back to hear if they had toe fungus or cancer? It if was something serious like cancer, then I would probably explain to the person in no uncertain terms that I was not allowed to give them any information at all. Then I'd mention that I think they should have a worry free weekend and they should call back on Monday to confirm the good news. ;)

2. A good friend is a bouncer at a Mafia-owned club. He urgently needs a place to hide. Do you hide him?
- Eeeek! How good is the friend? Does the mafia know we're friends? I'd probably let him in to try and convince him to call the police.

3. Your friendly hairdresser has the sniffles and unconsciously wipes his nose with his hand. You're having a haircut. Do you say something?
- Yes! :) I'd tease them about it a little, but they'd probably want to know if they'd done that so they could go wash their hands. My favourite hairdresser probably wouldn't do that in the first place, but she'd like to know if she had!

Thanks for the fun!


Just a note: I might not have the chance to update much this weekend as my Brother has come to visit! Yippee!



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