

Snowy Saturday
2003-04-05 - 14:40:41

Well, the snow out there has let up, but it's still freezing rain and ice pellets. Fun.

Tonight My Love and I are going to a birthday dinner for 3 of his friends. They all have their birthdays within the next week/week and a half, so we're celebrating with one dinner. Very cost effective, IMHO. ;)

I'm feeling rather ho-hum today. I think the main reason is because I have to help clean the house. I loathe cleaning up, even though I know it has to be done. I'm not someone who minds clutter: in fact, clutter is my friend. It is not My Love's friend. ;) So he's taking care of the downstairs and general vacuuming, and I'm doing the bathrooms and laundry room. Yippie. So I'm actively procrastinating right now. :D


I've been thinking of doing a "Cast" page for this journal, giving a brief description of the folks I write about most often. Would that interest anyone? If you think that would be a useful addition, you can sign my guestbook or leave me a comment at the bottom of this entry.


Ugh... I just took a quick glance at the Iraq Body Count counter in the bottom right corner of the page. It's spiked about 250 more than when I last looked at it. Nice to know Cowboy George finds this all acceptable. At least one of us can sleep at night.


My Love is playing Pink Floyd on the CD player downstairs. Wow. Depressing. ;) I don't know which album it is; I really don't know anything about Pink Floyd. I guess I like my depressing music to have a beat behind it so I can dance out my depression rather than have it so slow and painful that all you want to do is drink yourself into a self-pitying stupor. Hmmm, how's that for musical commentary? (Sorry Love!)


I guess that's all of my thoughts for now. I think my last act of procrastination will be to do today's Saturday Scruples. Then I will clean.




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