

Bless�d Oestara!
2003-03-21 - 06:55:13

Yay! It's the Spring Equinox today! Another wonderful Sabbat rolls around, and this one I get to celebrate with PaganGrrl!

That's right, PaganGrrl is coming up to visit for the weekend, so tomorrow night she and Raevyn and I will be doing a rit! All sorts of magickal Yay!!! :) I'll have to dig around in a few books of mine and put something together for tomorrow.


Tonight My Love, his brother and his brother's girlfriend and I are going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show. A local university is putting it on as a play, and it's supposed to be very good. I'm not sure how many people will be getting dressed up or be bringing things like toast and toilet paper, but the group I'm going with is not getting dressed up. Boo-hoo! I thought that was all part of the fun! Oh well, maybe I'll get dressed up all goth or something. That must be appropriate for Rocky Horror, right?


Do you remember me mentioning a basic magick course a local woman was planning on offering? Well, it starts next Friday night, and I'm going to be there!! I'm not sure how many students she has accepted, but I'm SO happy to be one of them. It's about time I had some hands on learning. ;) Almost 8 years of reading is nice, but experience is everything.

This all ties back into my "chicken wiccan" concept. I think I need the practical reassurance from someone outside myself right now in addition to my own impressions. I'm not confident that I'm "doing it right" when I try things on my own. It's my rampant perfectionism ("if you don't do it right, don't do it at all") that holds me back from practicing. So I think I'm going to need this experience to give me a big kick in the Wiccan butt.


Well, I was up with My Love at 5am, and I think it's time to try and get a bit more sleep before I'm officially "up" for the day. I'm reading Diary of a Witch by Sybil Leek right now, so I think I'll squeeze in a few pages before I get sleepy enough for unconsciousness.




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