

Gorgeous Friday
2003-04-11 - 13:01:38

I'm just popping into say that I'm feeling much better than I did a few days ago. The emotional stuff is better, and I'm even a lot less sore physical-wise than I was yesterday!

The verdict on the car: write-off. This actually works out to be the better option. Sure, My Love and I will be without a car, but we live in a city with a great transit system, we live across the street from grocery stores and banks and other amenities, and we have friends who have cars. :D We'll also be saving a lot of money on car payments, insurance payments, gas, and maintenance fees. So all in all, things worked out fine. *whew!*

Tonight is my second magick class. Because of all the commotion this week, I haven't yet had a chance to make my robe. So I finally got to the store and bought the fabric I need (which is where I was going when I got into the accident, actually) and it's in the washing machine right now. I think I'll be able to whip it up using Raevyn's sewwing machine which she has so graciously loaned to me. Chances are I won't have time to concecrate it before class, but no prob.

Well, I just heard the washing machine finish up. I'll be off to put the fabric in the dryer and get myself some food. I'll just be careful not to put the food in the dryer and eat the fabric.


PS The weather here is incredible today! It's going up to +15 Celcius! (that's "warm" in Imperial)



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