

Monday Mission 3.15
2003-04-14 - 11:24:00

Monday Mission 3.15 for April 14, 2003

1. Are there any illnesses that you seem more susceptible to than others?
When I was very young (first few years) I got a lot of ear infections. When I was a bit older, I got every stomach flu that went around. Now I don't think that there's any particular type of communicable disease that hits me harder than any other. Migraines don't really count. ;)

2. A recent poll stated that "Michael" and "Ashley" are the number one baby names in New York. (However, in Oklahoma it seems like there are two or three girls named "Madison" everywhere you go). What are your favorite boy and girl names? What names do you think are trendy or overused? If you have children, would you give them the same name if you had another chance?
Hmmm, I'm not sure. This is something that I thought about years ago. There was a time I was really fascinated with names and I often made up my own. I must admit, I do like the name "Michael", for either a boy or a girl. I think names like "Ashley" and "Madison" are pretty trendy, and I don't think I'd ever name a child of mine something trendy. A friend of mine recently named their new baby girl "Lily", and I really liked that. I'm going to have to think of this a bit more. :)

3. Any current songs on the radio (or elsewhere) that you think are pure crap? Why don't you like it?
Oh, let me COUNT the songs! LOL! I think there's a LOT of crap out there now. Maybe I'm just showing my age. (You kids, get off my lawn!) I really think anything by Brittany Spears is crap. I don't even find her stuff particularly catchy. I don't like country at all, and I can't STAND anything by Shania Twain. *GAG* Why don't I like their stuff? It just doesn't seem to have any meaning for me. I find their voices annoying, and the music uncreative. Mind you, keep in mind that I love techno. Judge as you will.

4. I used to play the trumpet in High School. I was never very good and always seemed to be last chair. I tried to play it again last week and it was a pretty sad sight. Can you (now or in your youth) play any musical instruments? Do you still play?
I used to play clarinet in the school band. I wan't bad, and I usually ended up being second chair. I didn't really want to strive for first (I was content to let a friend of mine have that) because I loved playing the lower notes anyway. Sometimes I'd even ask for third chair. ;) (Lazy ass, I know) I also tried piano for awhile, but I'm too much of a perfectionist and couldn't stand it if I didn't get something right on the first try. Up until recently I played in a hand bell choir, and I think I'm pretty good at that. I'd like to play again, but church I played at is all the way across town, and the bus ride would be brutal.

5. What is the most recent self-improvement program (fitness, weight loss, learning something new) that you began? Did you stick with it? Why or why not?
I don't think I've ever tried a "formal" self-improvement program. I'm constantly looking to improve myself anyway, so I pick up skills and try new things when I can. Only recently have a I seriously considered trying to lose a bit of weight. (won't My Love and PaganGrrl and a few others freak out when they read that!) I haven't started anything yet, mostly because I don't know what to try (other than exercise) and the fear that I wouldn't stick with it. (Read the perfectionist comment above)

6. How would you look in a Hooters uniform? - provided by Hootress
Sure, why not? I'd take an XS top to get my boobs to stick out, and a L pair of shorts so my butt wouldn't hang out too much. Oh yeah, and I'd probably have to shave my legs. ;)

7. Have you ever had a dream where you interacted with a celebrity (sex or otherwise)? What happened? - provided by Kat Lively
... I'm sure I have had a dream like this, but I can't think of any off-hand. If I do I'll come back and write it in.



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