broomcloset's Diaryland Diary


2001-08-17 - Yep, I hates pornography
2001-08-16 - A little lack of still
2001-08-07 - HOT. Damn HOT.
2001-08-05 - I'm going to a Ritual!
2001-08-01 - Late night thoughts
2001-07-15 - A little bit of this, a little bit of that
2001-06-25 - Late night chatter
2001-06-22 - Welcome to the Extra-Closeted Broom Closet
2001-06-18 - And with that, the Broom Closet is hidden
2001-06-15 - Can you feel / a little love?
2001-06-11 - Timothy McVeigh is dead
2001-06-09 - Festing // Retreating into the closet
2001-05-29 - What I told my father
2001-05-24 - Being dragged from the broom closet
2001-05-22 - Say Hello! to added functionality
2001-05-18 - On Writing // 100th Entry!!
2001-05-17 - Choose your own Wiccan adventure
2001-05-15 - Church of Oprah
2001-04-18 - What season is this?
2001-03-27 - The Dolphin's Cry
2001-03-26 - I like a boy and a boy likes me!
2001-03-24 - Anarchists Claim Responsibility for Seattle Earthquake
2001-03-23 - Would this be "THE entry?"
2001-06-28 - A computer blessing
2001-04-04 - Who? Where?

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