

What's this "Wicca" thing?
2000-05-09 - 11:32:06

So the woman says she's Wiccan. What the heck does that mean?

Unfortunately, that question is more easily asked than answered. It can mean different things to different people.

When most people explain Wicca, they start by explaining what Wicca isn't, so here's the obligatory "What Wicca Is Not" spiel:

What Wicca Is Not

  • Wicca is not Satanism or devil-worship
  • Wicca is not some stereotypical New Agey angels-dolphins-and-crystal-light-healing practice (my apologies to angels, dolphins, and crystal light healers ;)
  • Wicca is not about wearing pentacles and slandering Christians
  • Wicca is not necessarily about Witchcraft*

* - This is a very personal point: it depends who you talk to. Some people use the words "Wicca" and "Witchcraft" interchangeably, while others see a distinct difference.

And those are some very elementary comments on Wicca, comments you will find on every newbie Wiccan page (which is perhaps why they fit so nicely here ;).

What Wicca Is

Now, this is the more difficult part, not easily explained in point form. It also is deeply personal, and can take on different meanings for different people. It's one of those "asks 5 Wiccans and get 6 different answers"-type of things.

Wicca is a type of Pagan, earth-based spirituality. Wiccan is Pagan, but Paganism is not Wicca. Wiccans generally believe in and worship both a Goddess and a God, or the "Lady and the Lord." Notice I said generally - there are branches of Wicca that focus soley on the Goddess aspect. Wicca is an active religion that reveres the Earth and finds spiritual significance in Her. The Goddess plays a central role in creation and destruction, and all life comes through Her.

Some Wiccans practice types of magick, whether folk magick or ceremonial magick, two very different practices. Some Wiccans associate the word "Witchcraft" with performing magick, and may concider themselves Witches. Other Wiccans do not; they may not practice magick, or do not feel that "Witch" is a positive word with which they want to be associated. And there are others that consider themselves Witches, but are not Wiccan - they do not follow the religion itself.

Confused? ;) It's easy to be. Learning about Wicca really is a journey, which is one of the reasons I was drawn to it in the first place. Here is a link you can check out - they can explain the basics far better than I can. As well, it is not the purpose of this online diary to explain Wicca - it is to let you know about the personal experiences of this one Wiccan, and why she's in the "broom closet."

The Link:
The Witches' Voice - a gigantic, incredibly informative site on Wicca and Paganism. A fabulous resource.

Until next time, Blessed Be.



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