

Fest Virgins
2000-09-04 - 20:50:32

This a topic on which I've been meaning to write for awhile, at least since the last fest I was at. And the topic is this: FEST VIRGINS.

Fest Virgin:
Someone who has never been to a Pagan festival, or "fest," in this lifetime. Having never been to a festival, all new attendees of a Pagan festival would be attending for their "first time," hence the "virgin" connotation.

Now sure, this does make sense. You do something for the first time, you could be considered a "virgin" in that certain thing. But then once you've done it, you would no longer have the virgin status in that thing. Right?

Not so fast.

PaganGrrl and I attended our very first festival in August 1999. It was the Avalon East Pagan Gathering, and it was a worthwhile experience. It was rather laid back, which I suppose is a safe introduction to festival culture. :) But this is not the location where we first heard the term "fest virgin."

Our second festival was this summer in June, Wic-Can Fest, and this is where we were first called fest virgins. We agreed that sure, we were Wic-Can Fest virgins, but not fest virgins per se. Several people still referred to us as "the virgins," but what the hay, we did feel quite new to the fest thing so we went along.

Our third festival was just last month, August 2000. I've already told you many things about Kaleidoscope (see entries I, II, and III). This is our third fest, and while not jaded, PaganGrrl and I are becoming quite comfortable with the fest environment and are starting to tease each other about being old pros.

But guess what cropped up?

"Oooooh, fest virgins!" "Never been to Kaleidoscope? Hey, a fest virgin! *grin* "

"Well, actually we've been to several fests. This is our third."

"But you've never been to Kaleidoscope, have you?"

"No, not to Kaleidoscope."

"Ah-HA! So you ARE fest virgins! Kaleidoscope virgins, anyway."


It's not that PaganGrrl and I balked at the whole "fest virgin" tag. We're wondering when (and IF) we'll ever lose the virgin title. I also noticed that when a guy said it was his first time at fest, the word "virgin" never seemed to pop up.

And what's the obsession with VIRGINS, anyway, hmmmm? When are people gonna realize that it's women with experience that have got it goin' on? ;} Are they afraid of women who know where it's at and can't be fooled by a stale intro line and a lame attempt at chivalry?

You Decide!

Meanwhile, I'll be drooling over real men. Like Avi Lewis.



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