

A Pagan Brunch
2000-08-20 - 20:00:31

I finally went to the bi-weekly Pagan Brunch here in town. I picked up Darren from Kaleidoscope and headed down to the restaurant. We were among the first folks there, but many more soon followed! Most of them looked familiar from the most recent Fest and I was glad I had the opportunity to actually meet them "officially." :)

The food was decent for the price, and the conversation was lively (don't get into a debate with a Bard unless you've got a few hours ;). I was glad I went, though this was no big "spiritual" experience. Hey, how spiritual can you be at a Sunday-morning-after-the-night-before brunch? ;)

There's usually some sense of security being in an environment where you know you can show a part of your self that is not often public. At a specifically "pagan" function you can revel in pagan humour and philosophy (often the same thing ;) without being looked at in a fearful or lothesome way. You can wear a pentacle without getting cornered and questioned about your connections with cults that abduct family pets for rituals.

Okay, so that's never happened to me - it's just an example... :)

One thing I was disappointed about was that I didn't meet anyone Dianic this week, Dianic being my own chosen path. (Dianic Wicca is a tradition - whose creation is often attributed to feminist witch and author, Z. Budapest - that focuses exclusively on the Goddess, rather than the Goddess and the God.) That's not to say there are no Dianics in town - in fact, I have it on "good" authority (have I mentioned Lee, the large Fest troll? ;) that there are Dianics in town, and they do come to brunch once in awhile. I guess I'll just have to keep going back if I eventually want to meet them!



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