

My Kaleidoscope Card Reading
2000-08-11 - 21:23:35

I want to write so badly tonight as I think I have a lot to tell, but I'm very tired and a bit sick. When I went to Wic-Can Fest, I came home with a cold. Now the same thing's happened after Kaleidoscope! %-) Ca-razay....

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, my card reading.

PaganGrrl and I did a reading for each of ourselves with the card deck called The Oracle of the Goddess. I believe I've already mentioned that we've had very accurate readings with these cards? Well this reading was no different. Our questions focused on how could we best be open to the experiences of the Kaleidoscope Gathering.

My cards were as follows:

[ Aphrodite: "Think Affectionately" ] - [ Freya: "Feel Proud" ] - [ Hekate: "Big Changes" ]

I won't get into too much detail on how the cards work, but this is my interpretation of the reading.

  1. Aphrodite, being the first card, means that my Head (intellect) should be focused on things relating to love and affection. You could say that love (or lust) will be in the air.
  2. Freya, in the second position, means that my Heart (emotions) should be focused on feeling proud - about who I am and what I can do. One of the messages Freya conveys in the Heart is that "you deserve to be treated like a queen." (PaganGrrl had a blast with that one; more on that to come)
  3. Finally Hekate, in the last position, means that my Home (physical situation, environment, body) is moving towards a time of change, and this big change will come with a cutting away of the old to make way for the new. I'm a big fan of Hekate, and she has been in the Home position for my last two readings. Biiiig changes are 'a comin'...

So overall, I felt that the cards were saying this: "You will be getting romantic attention this weekend. Don't shun it; feel proud about who you are and that people should be attracted to you because you are a wonderful person. But in order to be open to receive this attention, you are going to have to make some changes. Grrrrlfriend."

Remember the accuracy I told you I had in the past?

I will never doubt these cards again. ;)


But alas, I must leave you in suspence as I am now painfully tired and I must crawl into bed. I will be adding another entry tomorrow (I'm planning a day of naps and fun stuff around the house tomorrow :) , so stay tuned...

Oh, and pleeeeeeeeaase sign the guestbook before you go. I love hearing from people!



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