

Giving Thanks
2000-09-18 - 21:09:45

What a fantabulous weekend!! I went on every ride I could at an amusement park several hours from my home on the weekend. I LOVE rides!!!! I went with a few friends from work and a few friends from another city. It was a completely perfect day. Absolutely perfect! *blissful sigh*

Days like this remind you to be thankful. Often we forget to be thankful for what we have because we are too busy focusing on what we don't have or what we think we should have. I'm really bad for this - I can waste all my energy on feeling negative, then when I finally do take the time to be thankful I have no real energy to put into the actual thanking! Do you know what I mean?

This is one of the many reasons that Wicca feels like the right path for me. So much of Wiccan ritual is about giving thanks for what the Goddess (and, in most paths, the God) have given us. Ritual forces us to focus on being thankful and to focus on showing that thanks. Doing something tangible takes away our tendency to simply gloss over the positive things so we can get back to focusing on the negative. It slows us down so we can actually pay attention to how wonderful life can really be.

Being thankful is something I definitely need (and want) to focus on. There's not nearly enough thankfulness in the world, and I feel the personal need to contribute to increasing the world's "thankfulness quotient." :)

This coming Friday, September 22, is Mabon, the second of the two harvest holidays (or "sabbats") in the Wiccan tradition. It falls on the Autumnal Equinox, and is the last sabbat before the beginning of the Wiccan New Year (but that's a discussion for another diary entry ;) . Maybe you'd like to mark it on your calendar. And when the 22nd comes around, take a few minutes to think about what you are thankful for. I guarantee it will brighten your day. :)

Give thanks, give thanks,
Give thanks to the Great Goddess!

Merry Part!


This just in....

Now, how often do you think you'd find a quote from the Bible on a web page authored by a Wiccan? ;) My wonderful Mom (whom I am eternally thankful for) sent me this email today with the following verse. I think it's so fitting for this entry that I just had to add it in!

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report... think on these things.
Philippians 4:8
Amen! ;) And Blessed Be!



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