

Big weekend: nap, anyone?
2000-07-04 - 15:27:54

*grrrrrr... computer crash*

*ahem* Let's try this again.

Wow, what a weekend. It was very fun, but busy, and now I think I need to rest during the week to make up for the weekend. I think I'm doing this backwards!

My bro and PaganGrrl came up to visit, and we and a bunch of friends celebrated Canada Day. A lot of walking around, a couple of torrential downpours, and trees in front of the fireworks, but I still had a good time. I hope everyone else did too.

I'm still suffering from a feeling of detachment, and I've decided that I'm feeling detached from me. I've been so busy with friends for the last month, that I haven't really hung out with myself at all. I haven't read myself a book, taken myself for a walk, worked on any of my web or craft projects. There are several things just around my house that I haven't done yet (oh, like, unpacking?? :) . I think I'm going to be rather reclusive this week and spend some quality time with me, myself, and I at home.

Have you ever heard of the Keirsey Profile? It's a psychological test that endevours to determine your character and temperment. There are 4 "categories" for which they test, and they put these together to codify your personality. I'd done the profile, years ago, and came across it again online. I filled out the test as I was interested in finding out if my results had changed over the years. They say that your results will be the same throughout your entire life. I wanted to test this theory as I think you can change a lot from childhood to adulthood, but does your underlying character??

Well, wouldn't you know it - my results are exactly the same as they were way back when: [INFJ] You'll know what these results mean if you check out their site. I was thinking that my Extroversion/Introversion index may have changed (indicated by the "I" in my results) as I know I'm a lot more outgoing than I was before, at least on the outside But the test came out with a very strong result for Introversion. I'm impressed with this test. :)

I visited this neat shop on the weekend, acturately named The Occult Shop. I'd give you a URL, but I'm not sure if they have one. Anyway, this shop is more geared to spell crafting supplies than any other shop I've been in. One wall of the store is completely covered in jars and bottles containing herbs and plants and oils. Then there are shelves with special powders, bath salts, and *floor cleansers*! I had no idea that you could make spelled floor cleansers; it's just something that never occured to me. Very interesting! PaganGrrl and I got chatting with the woman at the counter (who recognized us from Wic-can Fest!) about the store, and she said they got a lot of business from southern island folk who immigrated to the area. Thus they carried a lot of saint candles, saint incenses and Vodou supplies, which I thought was really neat. They also had a huge selection of Tarot and other oracle decks. It was a great place; I can't believe I didn't buy anything! I think it was the shear volume that left me not knowing where to start - and with a fuller pocketbook. :)

Oh! One other interesting thing from the weekend - I was in a shop just down the street from where I live that sells the crafts of local artisans. It is a very cool store, and I love popping in there to see what artists have brought in something new. Anyway, in the area of the store that sells necklaces and other jewels there were these cut and polished semi-precious stones being sold as "healing wands." Now, I like stones, I always have, but I guess I didn't necessarily think I'd ever find working with different stones useful or relevant to me. I was picking up some of the different wands and reading about the stones when I picked up a rose quartz wand - and my hand and wrist intantly felt charged. My left hand, holding the stone, from the top of the curved line on my palm to several inches past my wrist were resonating with the stone! I can't tell you how much this shocked me. And I couldn't put the stone down right away - probably because I was so surprised. When I finally managed to put it down the feeling stopped. Being the consumate sceptic, I picked up and put down the other stones, closed my eyes and mixed them up a little. Then I ran my fingers over the pile of stones, stopping when a small jolt jumped into my wrist. I peeked open one eye, and there was my rose quartz under my fingers.

So I bought it. :) Now I have to figure out what I'm supposed to do with it.

I think I'll sign off for now - I don't want another stinkin' computer crash after this long entry. I think I'll have more to write soon, though, so check back. BB!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

P.S. Thank you to all of you who have signed my guestbook! I am really touched by your wonderful thoughts and comments. It really means a lot to a web-head when you let them know you dropped by, especially when their web project is something so personal like an online journal. I appreciate you taking a moment to say hi. Blessed Be!



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