

Kaleidoscope Gathering, part I
2000-08-07 - 20:25:06

And Oh, What A Weekend!

I just got back from Kaleidoscope, another pagan festival, and it was just wonderful! I am so blissfully tired right now as almost every fibre of my being has been well used in the past 3 days. I met amazing new people and wonderful old friends (by 'old' I actually mean about 2 months old - the friends I met at Wic-Can Fest).

Kaleidoscope was different from Wic-Can Fest for several reasons. 1) the land was very different - there was less of it, and everyone camped very close to each other in a large area called "Tent City." At one end of the property was the entrance, then the road curved down around the river side, snaking along and ending purposely at a set of logs. The path continued on behind that through more of Tent City until you climbed a set of rocks that led to The Rock, a long outcropping of rock that served as the beach. (and oh, the water was wonderful! this is coming from someone who is a complete wous about cold water. :)

There were many workshops through the 5 day event, but PaganGrrl and I didn't attend as many as we did at Wic-Can Fest. Perhaps we're getting jaded due to our now expert knowledge of pagan festivals. *snicker* ;) We hung out a lot more, talking to friends and taking swims. Oh yes, and we hit the vendors quite hard this time! I ended up gravitating to anything made out of Amethyst (and buying several of these pieces), and PaganGrrl bought a beautiful Rose Quartz necklace that refused to come off her neck after she tried it on. She even swam with it a few times! I think she made a friend. ;)

Speaking of "making friends" ... well, this was quite the weekend for ol' Wyrdsister here. Perhaps I should begin with a card reading I did before I went to Fest...

PaganGrrl and I have had wonderful success with a set of cards called The Oracle of the Goddess. They are amazing cards that depict 12 Goddesses and are used in a three card spread designed to give insight into a specific question one has in mind. We both asked about how our weekend at Kaleidoscope would be and how we could take advantage of what was offered. My spread turned out rather interesting, as I'm sure PaganGrrl would looooooove to tell you. ;}

But it is again time for bed (why do I only get around to doing these entries so late??), so I will give you more info tomorrow. Blessed Be!!



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