

Kaleidoscope Gathering, part III
2000-08-15 - 20:29:12

Okay, time to wrap up this Kaleidoscope stuff! :) I have a lot of other things I'd rather write about, but I feel obligated to finish what I started.

So my card reading said I'd have a lot of romantic attention at Kaleidoscope, and they were correct. :) I received a lot of male attention (and perhaps some female, but women tend to be more subtle :) - some of it completely lust-based, but some of it was quite genuine.

I was propositioned in the most upfront and honest way, and the directness was so refreshing and flattering. The closest I can get to the direct quote was: "I am interested in entering into a discrete affair with you, and becoming one of your lovers." !!! He said I didn't have to answer right away (I'd hope not! :), and I said I would answer him soon. Now, I must admit, the thought of taking a lover with anyone at fest had even crossed, so no matter who asked me that I would have said no. So it is no reflection on the man who asked me this that I decided against it. The only thing I regret is not making a point to talk to him directly about this. I left the question hanging in the air and never sought him out to answer his question. :( Yes, I'm kicking myself. I hope to start an interesting conversation via email (he lives in the States) as he is a very interesting man. But I don't see an affair happening in my future.


Fest in a lot of ways is a more honest place than the "mundane" world we live in on a daily basis. Emotions are bared more completely and you can read the thoughts and feelings of people on their faces more than usual. People are perhaps less guarded and feel safer in the fest environment. There are exceptions, as with everything, but you can achieve such a great comfort level from being with people who will not judge you for your spiritual beliefs.

So when someone is interested in you (on whatever level) it is really easy to pick out. I tend to get vibes from people anyway, but when everything is so honest and raw and in front of you, you don't have to be too empathic to know what those around you are feeling. (perhaps it has something to do with the "clothing optional" environment... *LOL*)


While I wildly enjoy this environment, I'm finding I need to be careful about how I handle the energy to which I am exposed. I need to learn how to filter all the input I'm receiving. I'm still at the point where I either a) let everything in, or b) block everything off. Neither of those is really desirable. :)

For example, I have come home from both Wic-Can Fest and Kaleidoscope with a cold - the exact same kind, actually. It will be interesting to see what happens when I come home from HarvestFest in the Fall. But I will be taking an active role in dealing with the different energies around me, including my own.

Any thoughts on this? I'd love to hear about your thoughts and experiences dealing with energy, your own or other's. You can email me, or leave a note in the guestbook. Isn't that easy?? :)

Blessed Be, all, and good night. ___ Need a dose of blasphemy for the day? Try reading this entry, Jesusified. Ask Jesus



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