

I'm going to a Ritual!
2001-08-05 - 6:47 p.m.

Here I am, surfin' the web, and it's almost time for me to head over to Raevyn's for a Lughnasadh/Esbat ritual! And whatever am I going to wear?? ;)

Rae, her friend Kate and I will be doing a ritual in her back yard to celebrate the Full Moon as well as the most recent (better late than never!) Sabbat, Lughnasadh (also known as Lammas), the first harvest festival. Kate will be bringing the rit "script" if you will, so it will all be new to me! Also, I've never met Kate before so I get to meet a new pagan person - though Rae tells me Kate lives in the same town as I do! This should be interesting.

I'm not sure if I've lead Rae down the evil path of online auctions (*gasp!*) but she's recently ordered a gorgeous athame through eBay, a place I have been perusing waaaaaaaay too much as of late. She'd also bid on an altar cloth but was outbid, so she's asked me to bring one for tonight. Hmmm, what to bring?

I'm just in the process now of getting all psyched up for this. It's been extremely hot as of late, so it takes too much energy to get psyched up for anything! :) The weather should be great by later this evening, though. It should cool down to a really comfortable temperature.

I guess I'll have to stop by here tomorrow and fill in the details, huh? I'm sure I can handle that... :)

Blessed Be, all!


now typing to you live from her new ergonomic keyboard



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