

Choose your own Wiccan adventure
2001-05-17 - 12:35:44

Ever wondered what Wiccan tradition is right for you? I know I have. So why not try the Wiccan tradition selector Version 2.1? It's fun! It's free! And there's no way of telling if it's really accurate or not! ;) (thanks to Witchy Pitas for putting me onto this link)

So ya wanna know my results? ... Well, even if you're not interested, here they are for your reading pleasure:

  1. Universal Eclectic Wicca
  2. Reclaiming
  3. Discordianism
  4. Dianic
  5. Fellowship of Isis
  6. Georgian Wicca
  7. Scotican
  8. Boucca Wicca
  9. Strega
  10. Feri
  11. Lycian Wicca
  12. Ceili Sidhe
  13. Gardnerian
  14. Ancient Mystic Order of Wicca
  15. Y Tylwyth Teg
  16. 1734 Tradition
  17. Alexandrian Wicca

Now I'll be honest and tell you that I'd never heard of half of these traditions. Maybe I'll do some crawling around and see if I can find anything about them. This is also far from an exhaustive list of traditions. I'm not sure why only 17 were listed.

I also find funny that they put Discordianism above Dianic! (Dianic is what I consider myself) Maybe it was the one question on humour that is in the survey. :) It's also kind of neat that they put Fellowship of Isis right under Dianic because I have been looking into the Felowship of Isis as a possible source of study.

Hmm. Anyway, if you want a bit of fun, check it out. And I shall return with another journal entry soon.

Blessed Be,



Oh, and if you are wondering why there are broken images and no background images showing up? Well, good ole has gone down and so has all my stuff with it! *grrrrr* Maybe it's time for Andrew's gold memberships? ...



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