

Who? Where?
2001-04-04 - 14:44 p.m.

Hellooo everybodeeeee! (as Grover would say)

Yes, it's been a while since an entry... I wonder how many diaries here at Diaryland have used that exact same line, or a similar statement, anyway? *sigh* I am among the lame...

I'm actually not at home right now. I've travelled several hundered kilometres to my parents' home and I am staying with them as part of my recovery from this particularly nasty bout of depression. It's rather good, actually. My parents are 300% supportive and being here I can focus on the things I need to do to get well, rather than drag myself further down the spiral with things like work and ... life. ;) Okay, not really "life" - life is truly wonderful. It's just when you're depressed you can not fully appreciate it.

I'm not sure how regular my entries will be over the next two months. My parents do have a computer (my old one, actually - I won't tell you how painfully slow the one they just recently had was... *shiver*), but they only have a very slow modem with which to connect to their ISP, so even reading email is sloooooooow for me. So imagine how long it takes me to load up all the administrative screens for Diaryland!

On more witchy notes, my wonderful friend Moondance is here in my parents' city, and hanging out with her has been wonderful! And when PaganGrrl comes back to town for Easter (re: the Xian version of Oestara ;) we are going to do some "extra curricular activities" as PaganGrrl likes to put it. :) You gotta love her!

So there you have it - a brief life update. I'm sure there will be more to write, but it will depend a great deal on my technological constraints. :)

Blessed Be,


P.S. My condolences to everyone experiencing this web site on a 14" monitor with 640x400 resolution. I feel your pain!



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