

Back to the grind
2002-04-29 - 21:26:28

Today was my first day back to work! And it's a good thing, since it turns out I owe over $2000 on my taxes. *ugh*


I've been of on sick leave now for about 6 months (shy a few weeks), and today was my first day back. I'm glad, too - I was really ready to go back. It was so good to see everyone again! (well, with one minor exception, but I don't have to deal with her (aka the old supervisor) much anymore. :D )

I spent most of the day chatting it up with GP which is fine by me! He's so great to work with - smart, funny, and a great work ethic, it's easy to get things done and on time when he's working. He caught me up on all the work that's gone on in the past months as well as most of the significant gossip. ;) It helps to know some of the gossip at work; that way you won't stick your foot in your mouth too much!

Sheldon was happy to see me at the end of the day, mewwing up a storm when I came in the door. It's so nice to have someone who loves you great you when you arrive home. And yes, I consider Sheldon a someone, even though he is of the feline variety! (Hmmm, I'll have to get some pictures up of him here soon!)


Sheldon is currently sitting on my tax forms, which brings me to my tax return (how's that for a segue?). I owe, I owe, it's off to the poor house I go... I owe over $2000 this year. *ouch* The only thing that I can see is that my employer hasn't been taking off enough taxes for me during the year. Why would that happen??

I was going over my tax forms with my Mom (via phone), and she suggested that perhaps things got screwed up with me being on sick leave - perhaps they stopped taking off taxes, or taking off enough. I'll be heading down to the Payroll department tomorrow to figure out what might have gone awry.

Anyway, I need to figure out how to come up with $2000. Maybe I'll check the change under my furniture. ;) Yeah, my furniture and the furniture of everyone for a radius of 500km!! *sigh*

This definitely means no more eBay. Say it with me folks: "NO MORE EBAY."


Till next time,



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