

Blessed Beltaine!
2002-05-04 - 13:22

Happy (belated) Beltaine, everyone!

Beltaine, or May Day, was on April 30th/May 1st, but I didn't make an entry then, so Happy Beltaine now! Besides, today is the day I'm celebrating Beltaine with Raevyn and Skylar, so it feels like Beltane to me today anyway. :)

The weather here is gorgeous!! We're supposed to get up to 17 degrees C, and the only clouds are little white puffy ones that simply accentuate how blue and clear the rest of the sky is. What a great day to get dressed up and go to an outdoor ritual!

We'll be using Raevyn's wonderful backyard for ritual, which will give us plenty of room for dancing around. I don't think we're going to have a May Pole as such, but hey, you can't do Beltaine without a bit of hip-shaking! ;)

Can you tell I'm really looking forward to this? ;)

Rest assured, there will be details to follow!!

BB, all!




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