

Full Moon ritual
2002-04-01 - 14:14:14

I feel the need to update though sitting up in my desk chair is not the most fun thing at the moment.

I think I'm ill because of what I ate at My Love's last night. (If you're reading this, dear, don't worry about it!!! :D ) We had vindaloo (sp?), a spicy malaysian/indian/?? dish which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I do not think it enjoys me. My stomach was horribly uncomfortable last night, a discomfort that even wrapped around to my back and kidney area!! 8-O

... Why am I even sharing this with you all? It can't be that interesting a topic. ;) Okay, enough whining.


I had a great Full Moon ritual with Raeyvn on Saturday night. After she put her kiddlets to bed, we set up our altar in the middle of her living room and had a wonderful rit. Raevyn even video taped it! Not that we typically document our rituals in that way, but I think it will provide interesting viewing if only for ourselves! :D

We called the quarters and cast the circle as usual. I consecrated a pendant/charm that I got awhile back. It's of the rune "Wyrd" (the blank rune). I haven't decided how I want to use the charm yet -- put it on my witch's chord, sew it onto a medicine pouch, etc -- but I hadn't done a consecration of anything in awhile and just felt inclined to do so. :)

Then we offered some sage up to the Goddess in prayers for our friends and families. We made offerings for each of our circle sisters and for ourselves in thanks to the Goddess. After that came the wine (Hoo-ahh!!) then the dismissing of the quarters and the closing of the circle.

We got almost all of it on tape. We got to the beginning of the wine, but missed the closing of the circle. Ah well, we got the important bits! :D

Have I mentioned recently how happy I am to be back?? :D Well, practicing in circle is one of the biggest reasons why I am so happy. I've felt very peaceful and calm and gleeful at both Oestara and the last Full Moon. Thank the Goddess!!


Oh!!! I still have to tell you about Raevyn's and my card readings using the Oracle of the Goddess! Remember my reading from Kaleidoscope a year and a half ago? Well, the cards did NOT disappoint yet again. I think Raevyn's reading really blew her away! Maybe she'll be getting her own Oracle of the Goddess sometime soon!

But that will be a story for another time. BB!




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