

The Weekend that Was, the Week that Is
2001-10-22 - 20:59:03

listening to: "Boston Public" repeat on the T.V.
drinking: Kilkenny's draught !!
downloading: BtVS episodes, with varying degrees of success

This past weekend was wonderful! The dinner was lovely (and we saw an amazing double rainbow towering over the city from our restaurant table! Blessed Be!), My Love's brother's party was fun (though we didn't stay too long), I got to "hang" with some of my townie buddies on Saturday (they rawk!), and I had tea with my crafty Goddess friend on Sunday afternoon. *blissful sigh* And amidst all that fun, I had time to sleep in and relax. It couldn't have been any better!


I just found out that my dearest friend Raevyn has her own Diaryland diary! Whoo-hooo! In her latest entry she talks about the Samhain / Hallowe'en party our friend Catriana is having this coming weekend. Please do Rae the honour of visiting her diary!


I cannot believe just how late it is... sorry all, but I've been online waaaaay too long tonight. I'll be back soon with something interesting to write about, I'm sure. <|:) BB!




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