

The Prodigal Blogger
2003-07-21 - 07:57:48

Well, I've been neglectful of this here diary, haven't I? You see, I've been sucked into Anarchy Online, so that's eating up my online time. I'm finding that I'm not really spending any more time online, I'm just spending that online time on AO instead of stuff like blogging, surfing, messing around, etc. So at least I've become more focused. ;)

This past few days and weekend have been fairly nice. The birthday party I went to last Thursday went very well despite the fact that we spent most of it in the dark! There was a *HUGE* thunderstorm and the power was knocked out. It came back on for about 30 minutes. Then when a couple of friends and I were driving to the store, a transformer on one of the power polls beside the road blew up right in front of us in a big shower of sparks! Cool to see, but it knocked the power out again. Luckily the party was planned as a BBQ. :)

On Saturday I got to babysit R.C., the cutest baby in the world! I love that kid! :D He even slept for a whole hour on my chest, the little sweetheart! *JOY!* Maybe I shouldn't say little - the almost-8-month-old is growing fast! But I just can't convey in words how absolutely amazing it feels to have a baby sleeping in your arms. ... Ah, I'm getting all verclempt just thinking about it. Talk amongst yourselves....

I'm seeing Raevyn for a bit this morning. I'm putting in an Avon order with her and I'm giving her her birthday present! Her birthday was last week, but what I ordered for her didn't come in until a week ago, and I haven't seen her since then. I can't wait! I'll have to see if I can post a picture of it here. I hope she likes it! Stay tuned to her blog to see if she does. ;)

Well, it's time to attempt another hour or so of sleep. My uterus got me up a little before 6am. :P ... I'm sure you're happy I shared that with you. LOL!




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