

2003-06-08 - 14:24:32

It feels like forever since I've updated, but I guess it was only a day or so ago. I guess that's how busy I've been.


Well, my plan to sew up a storm didn't follow through. I can't get the **@(%$&* sewing machine that I borrowed to work! It won't sew!! The thread comes off the spool and the bobbin like it's supposed to, but the thread isn't twisting like it should and no seam is created. I can't figure it out. *grumble*swear*grumble* And I'm reluctant to play with any dials and switches because it's not my machine and I don't want to mess it up. AAAAARRRGGG!! This means that I only have 20-some menstrual pads to sell, and that's after I sew on the velcro closures by hand, and no robes. *growl* I was so angry about this yesterday. But I managed to calm down and work on something else...

I'm making pins and magnets out of Shrinky Dinks! Remember those from childhood? If not, check out the link. :D I'm tracing designs from pagan magazines and books and painting them in before I shrink them down and glue a magnet or pin back to them. They're looking pretty good, if I do say so myself. :) (some better than others, but what are ya gonna do?) I hope they go over well at Fest. They're so fun to do!


Last night I went out with My Love and some friends to see Wrong Turn with Eliza Dusku. Really, she's the only good thing about this movie, though the lead actor wasn't that bad to look at either. :) But it was fun to get out to a silly horror movie. My friend Jx was laughing is ass of at a few parts! :D I don't know about you, but sometimes I'm just in the mood to see a fun, silly, bad movie. Wrong Turn pretty much fit the bill.

Tonight I think we're going to see The Italian Job. My Love has already seen it and said it was good. I just always like to see Seth Green in a movie. ;)


Okay, time to go sew on some velcro! *grumble*




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