

Tuesday night entry
2003-05-20 - 22:00:14

Well, folks, it's the end of a television age. Buffy the Vampire Slayer comes to an end tonight. (Well, for us it's tonight. For the rest of the world, check your local listings.) It's been a good run. I just hope the final episode can live up to the brilliance that we know Joss Whedon has created. Good Bye, Buffy. *sniff*


In other news, it's raining. Yes, that's the extent of what's new in my life. But this past holiday weekend was wonderful! We walked for waaaaaaaay too long yesterday out in the sun, and arrived home crippled by blisters the size of ... well, large blisters. I need better summer shoes. I have great sneakers, but since My Love accidentally tossed out my Birkenstocks I haven't had a good pair of summery shoes. I shall have to correct that soon, if I learned anything from yesterday. ;)

We spent the majority of the day with My Love's brother and brother's girlfriend, both very fun and entertaining people. We walked from the brother's apartment, down to the Canal, up to the Market, and back to the brother's apartment. If anyone knows La Capital, and knows where Gladstone and Lyon is, you'll know what a hike we went on. *whew* I am sooo out of shape, it's ridiculous! ;)


And now it's time for supper. Let's see if Diaryland will let me post now, shall we?

(Bloody hell! I'm really going to have to move this diary. Diaryland is just too busy for a free-be member like me. *sigh* Not that I really want to move. I've been at this same address for 3 years - I wonder how many bloggers/diarists can say that?)


Okay, seeing as Diaryland has appeared to have crashed on me, I might as well do my favourite Tuesday meme:

Tuesday This-or-That, May 20 2003: More Potpourri

1. Large or small family? - I prefer medium. Currently, my family (in residence) consists of me, My Love, and my cat Sheldon.

2. Potato chips or pretzels? - usually potato chips

3. House or apartment? - I'd prefer a house, but I currently have a great apartment

4. Zebras or giraffes? - Hmmm... Giraffes I guess

5. Candles or potpourri? - Candles, usually. Potpourri is messier.

6. Flowers or trees? - Both!

7. Right or left-handed? - Right, though I can write with my left hand.

8. Model trains or dolls/stuffed animals? - Dolls and stuffed animals. Unless they are getting run over by the trains. ;)

9. Comedy or drama? - Drama. I like comedy too, but it's usually not what attracts my attention at the video store or movie theatre.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: The city of Boston has recently banned smoking in all restaurants and bars. Would you want to see such a law passed in your city/town/country, or not?
- My city already has a no smoking bylaw, and I thoroughly enjoy it. :D You are allowed to smoke on patios of restaurants and bars, so in the summer months it's no problem for the smokers, but in the winter they're out of luck. I do enjoy being able to breathe when I go out for a meal.


Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I've been trying for an HOUR to get Diaryland to take my entry. Andrew has posted a note in the News section about database errors. I guess I just seem to hit the system at all the wrong times.


10 minutes til Buffy!!!
7 minutes til Buffy!!!
5 minutes til Buffy!!!
2 minutes til Buffy!!!

This post will have to wait! :P


Well, Buffy was good. I wouldn't say it was to die for or anything -- no pun intended, but it was a nice ending. And, of course, there's still lots of room for more stories -- thousands more. :)



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