

Happy Birthday
2003-05-12 - 18:37:10

It's been a few days since I've updated, I know, but I haven't been home a whole lot. And when I've been home, I've been sleeping.

My brother was up again this weekend. He's going to see a concert tonight in town, then driving back to his city tomorrow. Yesterday was the big season finale of Survivor (may the best player never win *rolls eyes*), so my friends and I converged on Jx's house and we had a grand ole time. There were also various other events on Friday evening, Saturday morning, Saturday evening and Sunday morning to round out a very busy weekend. It was good, over all.

Yesterday I took a bit of a slip mood-wise. I'm not entirely sure what the problem was, though I'm guessing the main two factors were a) My Love's spat with his brothers and b) running out of my medication. Yep, that rears it's ugly head again. It can be a tad demoralizing when you think you're doing so well in the health department then get a reminder that a little pill has a whole lot to do with that state, that you're not entirely well "on your own." Oh well, I guess I just needed a dose of reality. And my meds.

So it's Monday today. And my birthday! Whoohoo! :D I'm 47 today. ... okay, not really, but it's just fun to get a reaction. ;) If you happen to be one of those people who is so rich they don't know what to do with their money, why not buy me something from my Amazon wish list? You can make a bit of blogging history and be the first person to ever do so. ;) And no, I wouldn't mind if I got used copies of anything.

Hey, I figured it was worth a try...! ;)

And coolest of all, it's also PaganGrrl's birthday!! WhoooHoooo! :D Nifty, huh? If she had a blog, I'd steer you over there to wish her a Happy Birthday too.

BB for now,




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