

This entry doesn't really need a title
2002-12-18 - 22:15:01

I'd really like to write a proper entry, but alas, it is time for bed. I have to be at work for 7:45am, again, which sucks because of the 30 min commute to add to that. Not good for someone who needs her sleep to survive! :P

So here is what I'd like to write about in the near future:

- It's Yule on the 22nd!! Raevyn and I are planning to do something - what exactly we haven't hashed out yet.
- I was witnessed to today. (for those of you who don't know what "witnessing" is, like My Love ;), it's when a Christian tells you their story about how they became a Christian). Usually I don't go for this sort of thing, but this man was so sincere and it came right out of the blue. I really appreciated what he had to say and the fact that he said it.
- A few of my local Pagan friends are having a Yule party on the 20th. I'll be going for a little while.
- Also on the 20th, my Brother comes to town! He's visiting me on his way home for Christmas! He's coming to my city just to see me as I'll be staying here with My Love and his family this Christmas. I love my Bro!

My Love is bugging me to scoop the cat litter, so I'd better get to it. More soon, I hope!




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