

More of the same
2002-12-12 - 15:42:48

I'm not getting my break to look for more work as soon as I'd thought. Work is still busy and the woman I was replacing for a week and a half, Am, has been "volentold" for another job. So I'm still wearing her shoes for another few weeks. This means I won't have any days off during the week to do any serious job searching. Ah well, shouldn't complain about working!

Last night was my area's monthly Pagan Meet and Greet. It was a blast as always! It was a smaller group that usual - I think all told we had 11 people throughout the night. Normally we hit about 20. There were a lot of new people last night too, which was great! I love meeting new people!

I get very optimistic about the whole pagan community when I meet new people exploring a pagan path. New people means that they haven't been exposed to community in-fighting yet, and there is hope for forging relationships untainted by your assumed "alliegence" to any one spiritual "camp." Pagan political lines really hold no great interest for me. I'm more greatly concerned about whether or not I spelled "alliegence" correctly than aligning myself with small (minded) groups of people. I steer clear of that like I'm avoiding the plague.

But I feel I digress...

So last night was fun as always. I looked at my watch at 9:30pm and though "I guess I should get going." I next looked at my watch at 10:20pm; "Wow!! I gotta go!" :D It's a sign of a good time, I'm sure.

I must write some more serious entries soon. By "serious" I mean more thoughtful entries musing about something important like the nature of Yule or what Wiccan study means to me. I haven't even written my November collaboration for Pagan Speak yet! *sigh* There's only 24 hours in a day, and when you work 8 of them, commute 1.5 of them and sleep 10 of them, there's only so much time left for everything else! :)

After work tonight I'm heading over the Jay and Kay's place for some hangin' out and some playing with baby R.C.!! R.C. is 2 weeks old today! (exactly at 6:48pm EST - that's for the astrologers out there) I can't wait to see him! I want to see how big he's gotten in 2 weeks. Yay!! Other people's babies make me happy! ;)

Alright, time for some more work. Ta-ta!




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