

2002-06-26 - 19:34:32

Mon Dieu!! It's HOT!

WAAAAAAAAY too hot to pack. Which sucks, because I need to pack.

How hot is it?

It's so hot, the cat has melted into the floor.

That's gonna leave a stain. ;)

Oh well, I'm moving out soon. ... If I ever get packed!!


I've got several fans going and everything, but as soon as you move, you're drenched in sweat. Not condusive to packing and heavy lifting.

I'm currently talking to Raevyn online. I'm telling her that I'm considering packing in the middle of the night if it's cooler. And I like my sleep, so that's saying something! :)

I am really looking forward to being with My Love. I just wish the packing was going better.

Okay - obviously my brain is too hot to write. I can't make a thought longer than a few sentences.

I'm off to have a cool shower. Maybe that will let me sleep for a few hours then I can get up and pack.

Damn, it's hot.



Just to let you know, this will be my last entry for a few days. I'm packing up the computer soon. The next entry I make will probably be from my new home! BB!



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