

Me and my cat
2002-04-22 - 15:42:26

It's snowing here today. SNOWING. It was 30+ degrees Celsius for two days here last week. It was summer. Now it's winter again. What's up with that?!?


I'm having a wonderful time being home with my kitty, Sheldon. He's the sweetest thing! I'm taking him to his first vet appointment on Wednesday afternoon. We'll see how he enjoys that!

My main concern is that Sheldon is not cleaning himself well enough. I know he's only a kitten, but shouldn't he want to be clean? And he knows how to wash himself - I've seen him do it! He just doesn't seem to do a thorough enough job. Oh well, we'll see what the vet says.


The full moon is at the end of this week, and hot on it's heels is Beltane!!! I can't wait! It's one of the major Sabbats, and one of my favourites (PaganGrrl and I have history with this Sabbat).

Raevyn will be hosting this ritual in her back yard, weather permitting. (if there's snow, I don't know what we'll do!) She has decided to delay her little girl's Wiccaning to Litha as we've run out of planning time! I think that's a good thing - this is something that you don't wanted "winged." ;)


I don't know if you've been feeling this, but the quality of my writing here has really taken a downturn. I've been pretty much documenting what I've been up to, but I haven't been discussing spiritual matters much. Don't take that as a sign that I haven't been pondering the spiritual much; quite the opposite, in fact.

I just recently finished reading The Complete Art of Witchcraft by Sybil Leek. Very provocative book. It's really made me think about witchcraft, the "Old Religion," what it means to be Wicca and/or a witch, if I should even call myself Wiccan... a whole host of interesting things. These thoughts defintely deserve their own entry, or entries.


Have I mentioned the recent Pagan Meet & Greet I went to recently? Lots of interesting people, even though I didn't meet some of them as they were sitting at the far end of the table. Next time (and I'll definately be going again!) I'll have to sit at the other end!


I guess that's it for now. Time to eat!


Wyrdsister (and Sheldon)



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