

Snowy day
2002-03-26 - 22:51:50

Good news about my aunt!

She was more responsive today. She was lucid and responding to verbal requests and statements, though she can't speak yet because she still has a tube down her throat. But she's able to squeeze her hand and move her foot, as well as nod and shake her head to make her desires known. Which is great, because Aunt M always wants her wishes nice and clear! ;)


I spent the day going to a couple of doctor's appointments, driving on horribly slippery and snowy roads with summer tires on my car, and hanging out with My Love. I'm staying at his place this evening as the weather makes it too dangerous for me to make the trip home (30 minutes away). Unfortunately, he won't be here as he's working the midnight shift tonight. *big pout* Ah well, there is always tomorrow morning...


Tomorrow night My Love and I are going to his Mom's house for Passover. She is Jewish and will be doing a full seder. I can't wait! I've been to one before, years ago, but it was put on by my (Christian) church, so I wouldn't consider it "authentic." :) My Love's mom is very involved in her faith, and I'm interested in learning more about Judaism.

(though she's already told me that she will not let me read her books on Qabbalah, something about me not being 'worthy' or 'ready.' ;} Since when is denying someone knowledge a good thing?)


Blessed Be,




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