

Colds and Kitties
2002-03-04 - 21:48:48

I'm sick.


It started as a sore throat last Friday night. I attacked the pending virus with Benelyn First Defence (tm) with Echinacea hoping that would do that trick. But today this sore throat is progressing nicely into a full-blown cold with drippy nose, irritating cough and pressure-filled, popping ears.

Have I mentioned, "blech?"


I had fun this afternoon! My mom and I went to visit the most beau-tee-ful cats in the whole world! A local Himylayan breeder (a wonderful lady) welcomed us over to visit the 5 new kittens that one of her cats delivered last Friday. They are the sweetest things! Although, at this stage they look a lot like baby rats. ;) And pretty much all of her other cats are "with kitten" and are going to delivering any time now from this coming Friday until late April.

Both my mom and I are in line to buy one of these cats. I think I have a fairly good chance at getting one of the kittens from either this litter or the ones due on Friday. Whatever kitten I get will be a belated Christmas and pre birthday present from my parents. :)

It's been ages since I had a kitty! I'm so excited!!! I will take it home to the big City and love it and cuddle it and hold it and sing to it and call it George! ... okay, maybe not...


I'm taking my cold to bed and to read the last 50 pages of The Mists of Avalon. What a book!!





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