

Time for a change
2002-01-29 - 19:56:22

You know, folks, it's time for a change. It's not even spring yet, but I feel the need to break the cycle I've been in for the past while. A healing cycle, mind you, but it's time to kick things into the next gear.

First of all, I'm going home!! (just a visit, though, but I can't wait!) I leave by train tomorrow evening and arrive home on noon Sunday. My Love will be waiting for me at the station!! I can't WAIT to see him again! Yes, I did just see him in December, but a month is way too long to be without your Love. :)

Second, I get to celebrate Imbolc with my circle!! I thought I was going to have to miss two Sabbats in a row, and countless full moons, but I'll be back in time for my circle's ritual on the 4th. (Imbolc is traditionally celebrated on the 2nd, but I think the official "astrological" date is a bit later this year.)

Finally, all 6 of us who have been practicing together will all be together at the same time! LOL! We've all known about each other for months, but there has never been a time (so far!) when the 6 of us have managed to meet together on the same night at the same place. Monday we'll be doing that for the first time. Finally, huh? I'm really excited to be with my circle sisters again!

And another change -- folks, I think it's time for a layout change. Now, I've received some wonderful feedback about ol' Spikey-baby here, and I must admit that I'm very proud of this layout. It turned out rather well, if I do say so myself! And look for a return of Spike in the future - there are too many NICE pictures of the lad for him not to make another appearance.

Yet alas, this layout has been up for quite awhile now, and if I'm cleaning house and stiring things up, then nothing's better than a new site design to make you feel fresh! ... at least for a web geek like me. :) And because I'm without my computer and am currently stuck with my parents' computer, I think I'll be using a freebie pre-fab template offered by so many kind folks out there. (try Beautify for your next template!)

It's also time for me to start some serious internal work. I think there are a lot of things I need to dredge up and work on in the next few months. Now that I'm strong enough to do this, it's time for me to grab my shovel and get to it! I'm sure you'll be seeing the results of that digging here.

So I guess that's it for this entry! I hope to make at least one entry while I'm back home, but if you don't hear from me for a week to ten days, know that I'm having such a great time that I don't want to stop and play on the computer! <|:)

Blessed Be, all!




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