

It's wonderful to be loved
2001-11-06 - 22:47:01

Five days since an entry? Where have I been?


Hey! Guess what? I was reviewed by Diary Reviews today, and they gave me an awesome review!! Ooh, I feel all special and blushie now. :) Although I write this diary for me, I do smile when someone mentions they like what I do here. Thank you for the fabulous review, Suzanne!


I'm now over a nasty migraine. *whew!* I went over to My Love's last night - we were going to do groceries as both of us hear an echo when we open our respective refridgerators - and my head just took over. He is working the midnight shift this week, so when he had to leave for work he said I could just stay at his place until I was feeling better.

I intended to sleep for a few hours, then drive home. But I lay there until the next morning until he came home. It was wonderful to see him; it's just too bad it wasn't under better circumstances! :)


Things have been off. Okay, I'll be truthful. I have been off. For about a week. I promise, I'm working on it.

I promise.



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