

Lonely pages
2001-11-01 - 14:33:41

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but my guestbook is really lonely these days.

My webrings and cliques page is not so lonely - in fact, it's getting a little out of control. I think I'll either have to quit some rings or reduce every code snippet to just text. :/

It snowed here yesterday, on Samhain. It was 1 degree Celsius. Then it rained and rained all night and the small skiff of snow was washed away. Now it's 13 degrees Celsius, but it's very cloudy and medium grey.

I think it's making me feel medium grey.

I've been awake since 4:30 am. I went to bed last night (finally) around 1:30 am. It's now 2:30 pm and I'm still quite awake. This from the grrl who's been so tired over the past few weeks that she can't get out of bed. All of this worries me a little.

Though I'm feeling kind of shell shocked about the whole thing, so I think that's making me kind of mellow.

One positive today: I started reading the first Harry Potter book today. Yes, I know, the craze hit the globe years ago, but you should see the stack of books I have on my To Read list!! But I digress... I'm really enjoying it so far. It's really fun! I might actually finish it by the end of the day.

A co-worker of mine has been after me for months to read "at least the first book" because the movie is coming sometime this month. (??) (is that right?)

Well, time for me to scrounge up something to eat. And I do mean scrounge - I'm in dire need of groceries.



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