

I'll give you some tawpics, discuss
2001-10-11 - 10:04:45

Oh, it's been a busy few weeks. This is a list of topics that I want to cover, but I feel they all warrant their own entry:

+ HarvestFest 2001!! SOOOO much fun!
+ My role as bridesmaid in my friends' wedding
+ A severely depressed friend; what to do when they don't want help?
+ Work, work, work!

Oh yeah, and I have a cold for the first time in ages. I guess I should be thankful for the "first time in ages" part. :)

Also, I've been trying to decide whether or not I should write about my feelings on the whole 09/11 / attack on Afghanistan / War on "Terrorism" issue. My internal jury is still out. Thoughts, anyone?

Back with those entries soon. Blessed Be, all. And hug those you love today, okay?




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