

The past few days
2001-02-17 - 13:46:52

Not much time to write right now; those little things called "errands" beckon...


I've had an interesting few days. On Valentine's Day I hung out with a goddess friend of mine for the first time in awhile. We made sugar cookies in the shapes of moons, witches, hearts, and circles and we covered them in pink icing and cherry hearts. The witches were so cute with their pink pointy hats! The only problem with the witch cookies is that they had really thin necks so a few of their heads kept coming off. :) My wonderfully resourceful friend stuck them back on with pink icing collars which worked very well!

We talked about our spiritual paths: how we took our first steps away from Christianity, what piqued our interest in different paths, where we were now and what directions were interested in travelling. She is interested in Buddhism and is just starting to learn about its tenets. I'm interested in exploring ritual as a connection with the Goddess or the "universe," whatever you want to call it.

One thing is certain: you are always enriched by talking about personal things with someone you trust.


I had a coffee and shopping date with another person yesterday. Even though we sometimes travel in similar circles - and the fact that I am also one of her bridesmaids in her upcoming nuptuals - I consider her someone from my past. She has someone who has taught me a lot about personal authenticity and respect for others - or more accurately, a lack thereof. My last year of university was a real mess because of this person, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't do it differently. Some lessons cannot be learned "the easy way."

So why did I have coffee and go shopping with her? And "why the hell are you her bridesmaid?!" you ask? It is because she is marrying another friend of mine, one who is kind, hilarious, authentic, caring, compationate, and (for some reasons to long to detail here) completely devoted to her. I knew that if I did not say yes to her bridesmaid offer, he would take it personally and it would seriously damage my friendship with him. And since I love him very much, I'm not willing to do that. So I will be a bridesmaid toward the end of this year in a wedding I cannot approve of.

Isn't life wierd, sometimes?

Another thing that was wierd was that the coffee and shopping date was really quite fun. I'm finding that if I keep a certain distance between her and me, our relationship goes quite smoothly. We had a great time chatting, shopping for a housewarming present for a party tonight, then having pizza for dinner with her and him after he arrived home. It was a genuinely good time. I savor those times because I know how they can be.


Whew! Look at the time! Must be going. Don't forget to leave your mark in the .guestbook. or the .analyzer. You'll make this chicken wiccan happy. :)




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