

First tools
2001-02-15 - 11:38:45

I've been participating in an online discussion board for Pagans recently, located at the new site: Mysticwicks. A lot of cool people there, if I do say so myself. :) Everyone is so helpful with posting their information and sharing with everyone.

One of the threads in the Ritual topic category got talking about our first ritual tools. Here's the post I just made: (thought you might find it interesting :)


First tools

Merry Meet all,

Well, being "ever the newbie" I'm still on my "first" of everything (not that I'm expecting the need to upgrade my tools any time soon :)

- my athame is a simple dagger, sold as an athame, with a brown wooden hilt. I'm planning to paint it (for some reason I want to paint it a deep royal blue rather than black - I'm still waffling). It has a leather sheath that can be clipped to a belt or sash, and I usually wear it as such at open rituals.

- my chalice is a wine glass I bought at Zellers many years ago. I liked the full shape (sort of goblet shaped) and the slight green tinge to the glass.

- my cauldron (yes, I have one! :) is a small 5.5" diameter cast iron cauldron. It was just too *cute* to pass up! And I use it quite a lot.

- my altar is a wooden side table that one of my grandmothers used in her foyer for many many years. It has a good sized surface, one shallow drawer, and a large cubby with a firmly closing door. I used a lot of insence inside that cubby to get out the old musty smell. But I knew it would make the perfect altar so I kept at it! Smells great now...

- my wand is actually the first tool I ever found, even before I reall knew I was looking for tools. It is a long branch of bleached wood, what kind of wood I'm not sure. To be honest it doesn't feel like it has the ability to hold/direct much power yet. It's really light and lifeless. I really want to decorate it (add some stones, beads, leather; engrave runes on it; etc.) but I'm afraid of "ruining" it. (any pun there was completely unintentional)

Anything else I use is just whatever I feel like using at the time. Sometimes I prefer an altar full of symbolic things (occationally to the point of overflowing), sometimes I like the altar very simple. Full Moon rituals seem like that to me... but hey, that's another post. :)

Goddess Bless,


P.S. I know of a store that sells "Letter Openers" <-- that's how they spell it on their item labels. ;}




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