

Thoughts in chunks
2001-01-16 - 17:03:21

Well, I didn't get all those errands done that I wanted to, but I do have a very good reason. I went skating on the world's longest skating rink! And what a great time!

I went out and bought a pair of hockey skates - I'd never even tried them before, but I love them! - and headed out with a friend from work and his girlfriend. What a great time!! We were out for about 2 1/2 hours. And to my surprise I wasn't even in pain the next day! :) I was a bit stiff, but I thought I was going to be much worse off than I was. I definitely have to make this a regular activity!


I've been having a lot of dreams lately which is a bit different for me. I don't often remember my dreams. But these dreams are interesting for another reason - I have been dreaming about people I haven't seen for a long time, friends that I used to have but have lost touch with. The dreams haven't been focused on them specifically. They just come up as characters in my dream just like any other. I recognize them as themselves and think to myself how long it's been since I've seen them. And then the dream goes on...


I still haven't written here about the wonderful, impromptu Yule ritual that I did with several friends this Sabbat past! But will I write about it now? No! Why? Because I'm lazy! *grumble* Perhaps I'll be awake enough after a nap.


The next Sabbat coming is Imbolc (or Candlemas, Imbolg, etc.) and guess what? I'm going to be visiting PaganGrrl and we'll be celebrating with Caer Avalon! (these are the wonderful people that PaganGrrl and I met at Wic-can Fest this past summer) This will be the first time I've attended one of their public rituals; PaganGrrl has been several times already, living in the same city as they and all. :) I'm getting excited to see them all again, especially Faith, as I haven't seen her since Wic-can Fest!


Okay, time for a nap. Well, probably not, but I'm taking one anyway...



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