

Visit with an old friend
2000-11-10 - 04:56:27

Yes, it really is almost 5 o'clock in the morning.

I've been up since quarter to 3 with a headache. I've been surfin' the Net since then. The headache is pretty much gone, but I surf on...

My trip to visit my friend (the one requiring the plane trip) was wonderful! I hadn't seen her in 8 1/2 years, and it was just like we'd seen each other a month ago. I met her husband for the first time: I wasn't able to go to their wedding due to school. (*growl*) He seems like a really nice guy -- except he's voting for the Canadian Alliance party... *shiver*

Aside: The Leader of the Canadian Alliance, Stockwell Day, is similar to Pat Buchanan with a non-fanatical fa�ade and possibly a slightly lower IQ. Note how I stress the word fa�ade. Personally, I think Stockwell Day is the anti-Christ, but I digress...

My friend and I talked and talked and talked, watched silly movies, ate copious amounts of amazing cheesecake, looked at pictures from the past few years and just had an all-round fabulous time. I could only visit her for a few days, which was waaaaaaaaaay too short, but it was so worth the trip!

I believe I mentioned before that my friend is very Christian. She goes to the Lutheran church which is not quite fundamentalist but still right wing, I think. I knew I was not going to bring up the topic of Wicca or Witchcraft because I was 99% sure she would think it was devil-worship, so I thought I'd try the idea of Unitarianism.

I told her that PaganGrrl and I went to a "Unitarian" spiritual retreat (Unicamp = Wic-Can Fest heehee!) and told her a little bit about what Unitarianism was. I also asked her what she believed and the Lutheran church believed about other religions.

First she asked "do you mean other (Christian) denominations, or other religions altogether?)" "Both," I replied. She herself felt that other Christian denominations were okay, understanding that people are different, form different opinions and therefore would be attracted to differing views of God and the Bible. She didn't think that other religions are evil or "wrong," and although the Bible does say that "the way to God is through (Jesus)," hopefully God wouldn't condemn people from other religions. The Lutheran church, she said, of course viewed Christianity as the way to go. The church was involved in the Ecumenical movement in the past few years, which is the co-operation of different Christian denominations (as well as some of the other "major" world religions, but my friend only knew about the Christian part - mean something?).

She did express concern about me looking into Unitarianism when I told her that Unitarianism is not a Christian denomination. She mentioned that you "have to be careful with wierd stuff" or something to that effect. Wierd? Check out some of their web banners for a few UU sound bites. Sound wierd to you?

*sigh* Well, I know for sure I will not be talking about Wicca to this particular friend. My concern for the future is this: what if I meet the person of my dreams and we want to be married or handfasted? The ceremony will not be a traditional Christian one, I can tell you that! :) But how will my friend react? I want to invite her of course, but I am afraid she will be shocked and horrified by the ceremony and therefore by me.

I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. (to use a completely obvious statement. :)

Good ni... morning all! Blessed Be.

Unitarian Universalist Association



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