

Friday the 13th!
2000-10-13 - 18:10:52

Oooooh!! Friday the 13th! And a full moon, too! Too cool a date not to make an entry. :)

So what's been going on in this little witch's life? Well, yesterday I went to pick up my hard drive from the courier - for the second time - and for the second time they couldn't find the package in their warehouse, meaning the hard drive gets shipped back to the vendor, meaning this techno-witch has to wait even longer for more disk space!! *growl*

I'm driving down to see PaganGrrl this weekend. She, her cool roommate, her cool roommate's cool friend and I are goinq to see some GREAT concerts over the next few days. I'm so excited!! I'll have to give you some mini-reviews when I get back!

Work is going okay. I really like my job, but I currently work in a small room with four other people. They're great, but it can be very difficult to get any work done in a room full of fun people! We're doing some moving around on my floor, and I've been promised my own cubicle. Hmm; sounds odd that getting my own cube would be a move up! I wonder what Cubiclegirl would say about that! :)

So tonight is a full moon. I'd love to do a little something with PaganGirl this evening, but I'm not sure if her roommate would be comfortable with it. She knows we're both Pagan, but she's not. I sort of get the impression she's happier dealing with Wicca & Paganism on a rather light and fluffy level. But we'll see. I'll still bring some ritual-ish thingies just in case.

I'm also hoping that the exhuberence of this weekend will help steer me away from the edge of an impending funk. I feel one coming on, but I also feel that it is still possibile to get away from it. Do you know what I mean?

Well, I suppose I should get ready to go. Have a great weekend all, but before you go, how about asking a question in my Freqently Asked Questions section? Or take a moment to leave your mark in my guestbook or analyzer? It can get lonely in the Broom Closet, ya know!

Bye for now, and see you next week!



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