

What are you thankful for?
2000-10-09 - 16:38:02

So what are you thankful for?

    I'm thankful for:
  • my migraine being gone!
  • cable TV (can't live without Buffy, X-Files and Law and Order!)
  • this wonderous feeling of Autumn
  • HALLOWE'EN!!! just around the corner
  • 80's music
  • clean dishes
  • vacuumed carpet
  • naps, naps, and more naps
  • my *cute* and ravenous fish
  • President's Choice Coconut Cream Pie Decadent Ice Cream
  • my plants, alive or not ;)
  • a quiet, reclusive, cosy Thanksgiving Weekend.


So how do you like the new look? I decided that since I was feeling so autumny - which is good, since it is autumn - I'd transfer the look over to my diary! I used graphics from PixelWitch again, and the font I used is appropriately named "witchcraft." I'm just a sucker for anything "witchy!"

I just cannot wait for Hallowe'en!! You may or may not know that Hallowe'en is called Samhain (pronounced SOW-wen) in Wicca and often Paganism in general. You could call it "the Witches' New Year" as it is considered the final turn of the wheel in the Wheel of the Year. Hmmm, perhaps I should find a diagram?

Wheel of the Year -

The Wheel of the Year - This gives a good little diagram of how in Wicca the year is divided into eight equal parts like spokes on a wheel. Each of the eight equal pieces is marked with a holiday. Did you know Groundhog Day is a Wiccan Holiday? Imbolc falls on February 2! <|:)

This image is taken from the amazing site: The Witches' Voice, a must see site!


But I digress... as I was saying, I can't wait for Hallowe'en!! PaganGrrl and I promised ourselves that we'd celebrate Samhain together seeing as we wouldn't be living that far apart (we made this promise at Beltaine, May 1). But Samhain falls on a Tuesday this year, and with work it is difficult for either of us to get out of our respective cities. So what were we to do?

Then, as always, PaganGrrl comes up with the most creatively fantastic and uniquely special-fun way to hold a ritual:

We could do it over our speaker phones!

Yes indeed, this Samhain will be marked by a ceremony by witches and pagans in at least three cities in two Canadian provinces! We will be telecommuting witches!!! *LOL* Isn't that just the craziest and coolest thing you've ever heard? I love PaganGrrl!

We've also invited the wonderful MoonDance to join us in our ritual. The beauty of this whole plan is that MoonDance will be able to join us from where ever she is, even if her job takes her on the road that week! And calling the quarters will mostly be determined by where each of us are on the map. PaganGrrl and I keeled over laughing when PG announced "And MoonDance will be calling EAST" (Maritimer's humour ;)

So plans are already in the works for our wired ritual. Hmmm, maybe I should turn on a web cam for the occation? What do you think? Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing an online ritual! <|:)

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. And for all you Americans: think of this as an advanced Thanksgiving wish. <|;)

Blessed Be, all!



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