

2000-10-08 - 12:33:37

This has been a wonderfully quiet long weekend so far. Long weekend, you say? Well, it's Thanksgiving here in Canada, so Monday is a stat holiday. I ended up staying up reeeeeally late on Friday night / Saturday morning, and then slept most of Saturday. Didn't go out at all yesterday. (I tend to have reclusive spells)

Now it's Sunday, I'm moderately well rested and I want to get out of the house and do something. The problem with that? I'm waiting for the cable person to come and hook up my cable. Don't ask me why they're dispatching someone on Thanksgiving Sunday, but (allegedly) they are. So what do you think the chances are of no one showing up? Stay tuned...

Despite it being Thanksgiving weekend, I don't feel very festive, nor do I have the desire to chow down on a giant non-aviatory bird. I feel that I've already celebrated Thanksgiving - and that's probably because I already have, on Mabon. Mabon is the "witches' Thanksgiving," the second of the two harvest holidays in Wicca. Anyway, I find it interesting how I now feel more aligned to the Wiccan holidays than the more societal ones. On an almost daily basis I am pleasantly surprised to find I feel more aligned with the Goddess and her associated traditions. <|:)

I think I'm going to have to end this entry here. Staring at the computer screen has started to give me a headache, so I will have to continue with another entry later. Thanks for baring with me!

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!



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