

I'm back from Fest
2003-08-05 - 00:44:10

Bet you didn't even know I was gone! :)

I went to Kaleidoscope this past weekend, and oh, what a fun time! I ended up leaving early (I really hope I'm not making this into a trend). I was having a great time - and that turned out to be the problem. Too much "sippy sippy" on Friday night caused my body to revolt on Saturday. PaganGrrl was my Goddess of Recovery this weekend when she took me home early then brought all my camping stuff back to me Monday afternoon. I love that woman! I really need to do more for her. She's always been there for me.

Memories from this Fest:

- the great camp site we had
- too much sippy sippy!
- tramp-pam-polining in the dark
- the beautiful stuff in the vendors area
- popping a "Woody" (a vodka drink, really)
- vending with my friend Char and hanging out with our friends at our vending table
- "Take Short Showers, Drink Lots of Water, Take Your Garbage Home!" (Kaleidoscope chant)
- the beautiful handfasting!

And really, there's more, but those are the big ones. I'm sure PaganGrrl could fill in the blanks on the days I wasn't there. Apparently I missed an amazing Marie Laveau healing ritual where our friend FestM channelled Marie Laveau. PaganGrrl said it was very powerful.

Well, I'll have to write more tomorrow as My Love has just called me to bed. It is almost one in the morning, so I think I'll join him. :)




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