

Wic-Can Fest 2003, part IV
2003-06-30 - 20:01:39

Sitting down to write seems like an impossible task these days. Either I'm out of the house, sleeping, or there's a thunderstorm going on and I've turned off the computer.

So with those excuses ;), here, finally, is my last installment of Wic-Can Fest 2003!!


Friday night continued on in true Fest fashion -- friends, fun, and frivolity. Dancing around the fire was included. Can you believe it took me until Friday to shake my booty around the fire? You know something was up with me when that happens. :)

Saturday is a busy day at Fest. Pretty much anyone who's going to be there is there, and the vendors have their busiest day. I actually sat out in the sun (along with PaganGrrl and Raevyn and sold some of my wares. I didn't sell to much, but the Shrinky-Dink pins went quite well. Too bad I don't really make any money off of them. *sigh* But I did sell and barter for some nice things, though. It was worth the few hours relaxing in the sun. :)

Saturday night is the night of the main ritual and big feast at Wic-Can Fest. This year the main rit was conducted by my magick teacher! :D Before Fest started, she asked me if I'd like to help out and I said yes! I didn't know what I'd be doing until I'd talked to her at Fest about it.

The ritual was Egyptian based, and focused on purification and healing through Ma'at, the Egyptian Goddess of truth and law. (I'm sure there is a lot more to Her than that, but I'm paraphrasing.) My magick teacher was to represent Ma'at, and myself and the other assistants would take on the roles of various Gods and Goddesses. I chose the role of Nepthys, the Dark Twin sister of Isis, the Goddess of 10,000 names.

The ritual was set up like so: on the ground of the ritual area, a human heart had been drawn/marked out using yellow rope. There were the four chambers of heart, along with a small space left in the center. (for a mock-up of a human heart drawn in the grass with some rope, it looked really good!) In each chamber of the heart, a God and Goddess pair would stand. I stood in the North, element of Earth with the representative of the God Hapi, the baboon-headed son of Horus. (There's a lot of names here; I can't even remember them all. ;)

Those of us enacting the ritual per to process down to the ritual area with Ma'at leading the way. Then the participants in the ritual would move through the four chambers of the heart being purified by each element along the way, as well as hearing a message from each God. After this had been completed, they would approach Ma'at and be touched by her feather, in effect being healed by what Ma'at represents (Truth). Once everyone had been purified and healed and returned to their place in the circle, the Gods and Goddesses would take leave of the ritual area and process away the way we came. The circle would be closed and the ritual ended.


Ack, must run. To be continued!



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